How to Upload a File via JQuery AJAX

We had a problem where we needed to upload File to the web based system (JSP) using Ajax Upload. My friend, Jayasanka found this JQuery fix to this problem to get this to the Server and then using Commons Upload we access the uploaded file from Java .

Anyhow, here’s the code used for Client side. There’s another post for the server side code, using Apache Commons.

The JQuery plugin that he used is called AjaxFileUpload, which is pretty neat! But a huge flaw in that plugin that we found was that you cannot send other form attributes with that server call, such as a File Description, unless we hack the server URL and append to it and this works!

Apparently this plugin is a Hack of the Ajax Upload. This I haven’t tried. Maybe this solves this problem and it has the other cool options like drag and drop, but thats to be checked out later :)

function ajaxFileUpload(){


      dataType: 'json',

      success: function (data, status){
        if(typeof(data.error) != 'undefined'){
          if(data.error != ''){

      error: function (data, status, e){
    return false;
Categories: JavaScript, JQuery
Written on November 27, 2010